See United States Air Service Archives
See Preserving History
See USAS Personnel Files

United States Air Service Archives

Please help us preserve and perpetuate the memory of our brave aviators and the men and women who supported them.

We have many photos that are not on this site due to lack of space and time to put them up. If you are interested in any photos of specific squadrons or individuals, please let us know and we'll do our best to help you locate them or let you know if we have any. Also we are always trying to add to our collection to help others who might be looking. If you have any photos or memoires you would like us to preserve for you, then please let us know. You can contact Narayan at the office - 770-850-1640 or E-Mail Us and either Mike or Narayan will get back to you. Back to Top.

Preserving History

We are always looking for archival material. Please contact us if you wish to send us any of the following:


Brief Bios
- this is for a new feature we are planning where we will list anyone who wants their family member listed here on a new page we are going to add. This will be brief bios, stories, anecdotes or whatever. We want bios for anyone involved with the United States Air Service or who might have interacted with them including the pilots, mechanics, truck drivers, YMCA staff, hospital staff, French villagers, and so on. The objective is to help anyone who wants to learn more about the United States Air Service understand the big picture. But we aren't just focusing on who shot down whom, but the back stories and the "what ever happened to...". For instance, Eddie Rickenbacker was chairman of Eastern Airlines, Harold Tittman became an ambassador, Leroy Prinz became a Oscar winning choreographer, Robert Thibault became mayor of Saints for 20 years, etc. Back to Top.

USAS Personnel Files

Trying to find out more about someone - a grandfather, a World War I pilot's headstone in a cemetery, what aero squadron they were in, etc?

We have lots of resources we can use to try to help you get the information you need about USAS pilots, USAS Aero Squadrons, books to read, Aero Squadron histories and more. Click E-Mail Us and either Mike or Narayan will get back to you. Back to Top.